Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nema Razlike?

So far, I’ve met with several colleagues from the University of Zagreb. I’ll be teaching in two programs: the doctoral program in comparative literature, and the undergraduate and graduate programs in American Studies. Everyone is as nice as could be, and the American Studies program especially thrives on the annual Fulbright guest professor. It doesn’t take a great deal of insight to understand why. The faculty and staff here seem to have the "usual suspects" of personality types and so forth that I'm used to in any academic department.

One of the phrases I should learn in Croatian is “no difference,” because I’ve uttered it when told about students’ work habits, or the rigors of the academic life, or the pile of used computer parts in a hallway. Not much different, as I see it right now.

I will be teaching three classes per semester: a doctoral-level class in comparative lit called “American Comedy as Cultural Mirror” that spans the two semesters I’m here—it’s primarily a history of American comedy; second, an MA-level course on American comedy of the twentieth century—a pared down version of the doctoral course that will run one semester and repeat in the spring; finally, an undergraduate survey of American stage comedy in the fall, replaced by an undergraduate American film comedy class in the spring. It's pretty much the same teaching load I would have back at WVU.

There doesn’t seem to be a great deal (or any, really) of pre-registration. The university is transitioning to the Bologna higher-education model, and silly me . . . that’s what I’m used to in the States and never knew it by that term. I'm sure differences will become more apparent as the year moves along, but for now, nema razlike . . . no difference!

Waiter, another round of education for everyone!

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